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Housing Authority of Bergen County

One Bergen County Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hackensack, NJ, 07601, US


Homeless Prevention Application

Are you a Bergen County Resident?

Ineligible due to not being a Bergen County Resident.

Do you receive assistance for your rent? (Such as Section 8 rental assistance or other housing subsidy)

Ineligible due to subsidy assistance.

Are you currently receiving services from a homeless service provider?

Social Worker/Case Manager Name

What type of assistance do you need?

Are you behind on your rent?

Do you have a tenancy summons or lockout notice?

Are you living in a place not meant for human habitation, emergency shelter , or transitional housing?

When did you become homeless?

Date Picker

Are you temporarily living with friends or family?

Please be advised, you are not at risk of homelessness, you may reapply at a later date. Please visit for other housing opportunities.

Are they asking you to leave the residence?

Full Name

Full Address

Please be advised, you are not at risk of homelessness, you may reapply at a later date. Please visit for other housing opportunities.


You will be provided with a Confirmation upon submission.

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